what is a rhythm of Life?
Each week we say, “we will be a spiritual community of hope and transformation that lives the Way of Jesus.” And, we know this does not happen by accident. It takes time, practices, and habits.
A Rhythm of Life helps us pay attention to the presence and activity of God in our lives and our world. We pay attention to our habits and our dispositions and then take on practices that help shape us in this Way of Jesus.
This way of life is often referred to as a Rule of Life. The word “rule” comes from the Greek for “trellis.” A trellis is a tool that enables a grapevine to get off the ground grow upward, becoming more fruitful and productive. A Rule, or Rhythm of Life, is like a trellis that helps us grow in this Way of Jesus.
Communal Practices
While each Rhythm of Life is unique to the individual, we also want to commit ourselves to communal practices, knowing that community is not something to be consumed; it is something we all participate in and help to create, as we seek to live this Way of Jesus, together.
1. Be faithful in worship. Worship is our gift, not our duty. In worship we are reminded who we are, and the grand story of which we are a part. Worships shapes us. But it’s not just something we do when we “need” it. Your presence is needed by those around you. And when we are present to God and one another, God uses us to shape (encourage, pray for, challenge, love, serve) one another, as well.
2. Participate in a parish group. It is in relationship and conversation with other believers that we figure out how to walk the way of Jesus in every day life. Our parish groups meet in neighborhoods across the city to care for one another and talk about how to apply the good news we’ve heard in worship. Go here to find a parish group near you.
3. Serve your community. When we say we want to be good neighbors, we mean it. We want to serve our neighbors well, not just as a church, but as individuals. There are many organizations in our city doing good work.
4. Serve your church. Each of us has something to contribute, and together we strengthen the church to do God’s good work. Whether you’re the friendly host-type, the quiet behind-the-scenes type, or the planning extraordinaire, our church needs what you have! To join a serving team, email life@8thstreetchurch.org, and someone will contact you within a week and help you connect with a team who needs you.
5. Be faithful in giving. Your generosity makes possible the work of our church. But beyond that, we trust that God is at work in us through the practice of giving so that we can become the good and generous neighbors we want to be. We give of our resources as an act of worship and statement of faith in God’s goodness. Each week we receive an offering in service, and you can also give online.