Who We Are

We believe that the presence of children is a gift to the church. We believe that they are vital members of the family of God- just as they are! We know that the way we welcome children directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. Our vision is that the 8th Street Church would be a place where kids are known for who they are, valued for the gifts they bring to the Body of Christ, and formed by living the way of Jesus alongside us.


Where You're Known, Valued & Formed

While your kids are always welcome to worship with you, we offer 3 age-appropriate options in both our 9:30 & 11 am Services for our kids to participate in worship. The first Sunday of every month is KIDS WITH US Sunday. On this week, everyone worships together in the sanctuary for the part of the service, with kids 2nd grade and under going to their age-appropriate option for the second part of the service.