What to Expect

Your children are always welcome in service with you. Whether they are not ready to leave, or you aren’t ready, we understand. And it is okay! We offer snacks and activities at the back of the sanctuary. There is also a cry room available downstairs for nursing moms, in Pastor Chris and Pastor Hope’s office (across from the early childhood room).

Checking your Kid in

We also understand that children have unique developmental needs. Because of this, we have rooms downstairs- divided by age- so our kids can fully participate in worship. The easiest way to enter for check-in purposes is to come in through the door on the northeast side of the building, go down the ramp, the door is on the right. When you check your child in, we will ask you to provide contact information and any pertinent allergy information.We will print a sticker with your child’s name on it and a corresponding sticker for you. After service, you can use this sticker to pick your child up.


What to Expect in the Nursery (0-23 months):

Our nursery provides a safe and fun space for our kids six weeks through 23 months old. We prioritize offering our babies and toddlers a calm, loving environment where they can begin to grasp the love of God in concrete ways through caring adults. Together with parents, our goal is to teach our babies that church is a safe place for them. We ask that you bring an extra diaper, a change of clothes, and any comfort items as needed. The nursery begins accepting babies and 15 minutes prior to service.

Early Childhood

What to Expect in the Early Childhood Room (2-Kindergarten):

Our early childhood room prioritizes learning the Biblical story through play, songs, and story-time. During the service, our teachers gather the children to offer a developmentally appropriate liturgy. This includes welcoming each child by name, singing a song based off of our responsive reading, and reading a Bible story together. Our goal in the early childhood room is to begin learning the story of Scripture and to learn to be good neighbors. The early childhood room begins accepting children 15 minutes prior to service.


What to Expect in the Elementary Room (1st Grade-5th Grade):

Our elementary kids join us upstairs for the first portion of our service. They are dismissed downstairs prior to the sermon. In our elementary service, we take time to walk through a section of Scripture, wondering together about how it might apply it to our lives. We then will do an activity together based on what we’re learning. We prioritize praying together, encouraging each other, and having fun in community. Our elementary kids are then brought back upstairs to receive communion with the rest of the congregation. The first Sunday of every month is Kids With Us Sunday. On this week, our kids join us for the entirety of the service.